1544 days ago

What's On: St Theresa's Catholic School Carnival

Sarah from Whitby

St Theresa’s is gearing up for another fantastic carnival! Come along for a fun day out filled with delicious food, games, quick fire raffles, entertainment and much more.
St Theresa's Catholic School Carnival
  • St Theresa's Catholic School
More messages from your neighbours
12 days ago

Know Your Baseline 📈

The Chiro from The Chiro - Johnsonville

Before we can start to improve your spinal function, and therefore your overall health, we first have to establish the current baseline functionality of your spine. 📊
Age, occupation, postural imbalances, historical traumas, and underlying conditions are just some of the factors that contribute to your baseline when you initially seek care. 🤕👩‍🦳👩‍🔬

Identifying this through a thorough health history, comprehensive spinal assessment, and radiographic imaging gives us the ability to curate a roadmap of care that is specifically designed to improve your baseline.
#careplan #baseline #improve #optimalfunction #betterwithchiropractic #knowyourbaseline #spinecare #chiropracticcare #getadjusted #thechironz

5 hours ago

Do you know the answer?

Riddles from The Neighbourly Riddler

Which letter is a line?

*Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.

5 hours ago

Congratulations to...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Our Tuesday prize draw is here and the following members have won a $50 movie voucher:

Nazim Molla from Te Atatu South

Cassie Stirling from Napier

Jacob Ferris from Saint Martins

Shania Kenny from Woolston

Are you a winner? Get in touch with our Neighbourly team here to claim your prize.

Not a winner this time? Come back each Tuesday and we will have ongoing prize draws and more winners!
