1969 days ago

Coffee Table

Wesley from Johnsonville

Coffee Table
Pick up in Johnsonville

Price: $15

More messages from your neighbours
21 hours ago

Mouse in the house

John from Tawa

After finding an electrical cable that has been chewed by mice I went on the offensive and bought some traps from Envirotools a couple weeks ago. I bought one that mounts into the ceiling and is accessed from below and 2 mice/rat traps.
We have caught one mouse in the kitchen, 9 in the roof and a rat under the house in just 2 weeks. I had heard that if you see a mouse in the house you will have multiple in the roof but I hadn't thought it would be anything like that. The really cool thing about the ceiling one is that when the trap goes off a little red button pops down and lets you know it's sprung so you don't have to keep checking it
With so many different traps available it's nice to find one that works really well

3 days ago

Share your New Zealand music memories...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

It's NZ Music Month and New Zealand really has some beautiful songs from artists that we call our own.

Whether it's April Sun in Cuba, Don't Forget your Roots, or How Bizarre or Bic Runga's 'Sway' - songs have a way of unlocking memories and evoking old feelings.

In honour of NZ Music Month, share a New Zealand song or artist that is special to you and explain why.

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

1 hour ago

Know Your Baseline πŸ“ˆ

The Chiro from The Chiro - Johnsonville

Before we can start to improve your spinal function, and therefore your overall health, we first have to establish the current baseline functionality of your spine. πŸ“Š
Age, occupation, postural imbalances, historical traumas, and underlying conditions are just some of the factors that contribute to your baseline when you initially seek care. πŸ€•πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦³πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬

Identifying this through a thorough health history, comprehensive spinal assessment, and radiographic imaging gives us the ability to curate a roadmap of care that is specifically designed to improve your baseline.
#careplan #baseline #improve #optimalfunction #betterwithchiropractic #knowyourbaseline #spinecare #chiropracticcare #getadjusted #thechironz
