We Say/You Say: How can Wellington's bike routes be improved?
Kia ora neighbours,
Wellington City Council is seeking feedback until December 14 on its bike network plan.
The plan includes finishing Tahitai, the route around Evans Bay, and The Parade upgrade in Island Bay.
They are particularly looking for opinions of young Wellingtonians to be shared in the Tamariki Zone - the Council's online space for kids under 14 to have their say on developing safe and connected biking and scooting routes around the city.
Do you or your kids love biking and know how Wellington can be improved? Share your thoughts below and don't forget to type NFP if you don't want your comment featured in the conversations section of the Upper Hutt Leader.

This week's prize winners
Congratulations to the winners of the $100 grocery vouchers. The winners are:
Blair Roddick from Blenheim
Greer Bell from Snells Beach
Dorothy Burt from Levin
Hannah Rice from Aranui
Winners must get in touch with us here before Tuesday, 25th February to claim their prize.
Not a winner this time? Never fear, there's always next week.

The Online Garage Sale of the Summer
It's time to clean out the garage (or closet or cupboard!) and make some money back on your summer goods. Get involved with the Neighbourly online garage sale on Saturday, February 22nd.
Whether it's time to let go of your spare tent, your beach umbrella or maybe clear some clothes from your wardrobe, the Neighbourly garage sale is the place to do it - it's free and it's local!
If this is your first Neighbourly garage sale, the way it works is that you list your items individually ahead of the event and members perusing the garage sale items online will contact you to buy it.
Make sure you check out the treasure trove of bargains on Saturday, February 22nd - it's well worth a look!

🧩 Crack the Code: Today’s Riddle Challenge! 🤔
I’m a three-digit number; my tens digit is five more than my ones, and my hundreds digit is eight less than my tens—what am I?
Do you think you know the answer to our riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.
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