118 days ago

FREE Mindfulness for over 65+

Health Promotion from Age Concern Hawke's Bay

Mindfulness-We have a group for people 65 and older that helps you to let go – for a while – of your worries and anxieties, and concerns about past and future. We chat for a few minutes about aspects of mindfulness, and then settle in to experience the feeling of bliss that comes from the extraordinary calm of a guided meditation. We hope you enjoy the serenity so much that you will spend time recreating that state at your leisure in the days between weekly meetings… and find bliss...any time you choose. The experience of a state of deep calm will positively affect your physical and mental health and well-being and is reported to leave you feeling better about pretty much everything.
Every Tuesday at 11:00 am for 1 hour. Age Concern Hawke's Bay- Hastings Office at 415 Heretaunga Street East, Hastings (opposite New World). Class is FREE. Numbers limited. Book in by calling 068709060 or email healthpromotion@ageconcernhb.co.nz

More messages from your neighbours
2 days ago

Last call for entries to our Resene Shed of the Year 2025!

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Take a look at Paul Bates' "surprisingly roomy" Tardis-inspired shed which took out our 2023 title, and if you reckon your shed is right up there, well, you could be in the running to win a robot lawnmower, Resene vouchers and a subscription to NZ Gardener. To enter, tell us why your garden shed is New Zealand's best, and send up to 5 high-quality photos to Resene Shed of the Year 2025, NZ Gardener PO Box 6341, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142. Or email to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz. Entries close February 23, 2025.

6 days ago

Safety first

Julie Neighbourly Lead from Havelock North

Not all roundabouts are created equal.

The roundabout at the entrance to our little village, by Mary Doyle is not like others.
Vehicles coming off the bridge have right of way, not vehicles coming from the village.

I had a very close call, this evening, coming home from town. A vehicle coming from the village didn’t stop, or even look as they went around the roundabout. I came within a few inches of their passenger door. Thankfully I don’t speed and have a good vehicle.

Just remember to check the traffic signs, please. Don’t assume everywhere is all the same.

16 hours ago

🕵️‍♂️ Solve It If You Can! 🔎 Riddle Time

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

I’m a place of beauty,
from mountains to sea,
where the long white cloud drifts gracefully;
I’m far from most but close in heart—
what country am I,
a world apart?

Bonus points if you know the photo's location, here's a hint: it's the Riddler's home town!

Do you think you know the answer to our riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.

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