Fluoride Free Procession and Protest
Thursday 18th April at 11am.
Many Hawkes Bay residents will have seen notices and petitions that Fluoride Free Hawkes Bay have circulated. Hastings District Council added hydrofluorosilicic acid to our water supply without informed consent, and without warnings placed at the Flaxmere and Havelock Nth water distribution points. This toxic chemical is harmful to many but especially pregnant mothers and bottle-fed babies.
Fluoride Free New Zealand and NZDoctorsSOS have filed an injunction in the high Court contesting this action.
On Thurs residents are urged to meet at the Hastings Civic Square, and then at 1130am sharp proceed through the Hastings CBD, arriving at HDCouncil about 12noon where professional speakers, local and throughout New Zealand, will explain the problems with this recognised poison.
Please share this public notice to whanau, family and friends.
Share your summer photos! 📷
Taken some beautiful snaps lately? Whether it's rainbows, sunsets or a beautiful summer's day, we'd love you to share the joy with us.
Share a photo in the comments below
Best way to use leftovers?
I'm sure you've got some excess ham at home or cold roast potatoes.
What are some of your favourite ways to use leftover food from Christmas day? Share below.
Have you got a great recipe for feijoas?
Kia ora neighbours. If you've got a family recipe for feijoas, we'd love to see it and maybe publish it in our magazine. Send your recipe to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz, and if we use it in the mag, you will receive a free copy of our March 2025 issue.