229 days ago

Lost child

Anton from Lyttelton

Dear Neighbours and friends,

I am asking you to consider giving an hour or two of your time on Saturday to help us encourage people to look for a missing child.

The child could be anywhere. They are most certainly terrified, may be suffering horrific injuries, slowly starving to death, dying of thirst or buried alive along with their whanau, or even already dead. To make matters worse, we seem to be losing another child every 10 minutes now. These children come in all shapes and sizes, all ages from babies still in incubators, to young teenagers who have no hope for a future without pain and suffering.

We, who also come in all the shapes sizes, ages, genders and beliefs, have been meeting each Saturday to support people who are losing their children and families every day.

Please do come along and join us. There are more of us every week, but having you come along would mean a great deal to us and the families of the missing children.

We meet at : The Bridge of Remembrance (the bridge that has "Palestine" engraved in the stone)
When : Saturday
Time: 1 pm to 2pm

We may go for a heart warming stroll around the block afterwards. So do bring your families and friends, we would truly love to see you all. I can assure you that you will never regret coming along as you will immediately be accepted in the hearts of a family that transcends all borders, all nations.

Kia kaha e hoa arohanui,
Be strong for the children dear friends,

Respectfully yours,
Anton Wartmann

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2 days ago

Why is the...

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

Why is the letter A like a flower?

Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.

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1 day ago

Stray cat

Suzanne from Hoon Hay

We have a black cat with white under his chin and half off a white spot beside his nose he looks to heathy to be a stray

1 day ago

Poppa's pulled pork

Essie Summers Retirement Village

As the weather cools and cosy evenings become the norm, there’s nothing better than cranking up the heat and treating yourself to heartwarming comfort food. If you're craving a winter recipe that'll warm you from the inside out, look no further than Brent's irresistible slow-cooked pulled pork. Its smoky, aromatic scent often wafts from Brent’s apartment at Ryman’s Kevin Hickman Village, tempting taste buds and stirring appetites. With its tender meat and velvety sauce, this dish is every bit as delicious as it sounds – you’ll be reaching for seconds, thirds, and maybe even fourths!

Click read more for the full recipe.
