170 days ago

For the experience

Terran from Kerikeri District

"For the experience of complete awakened mind, three important conditions should be present:
(1) the vehicle of human birth,
(2) the cause of spiritual friends, and

(3) the method of instruction.

While the potential to experience awakened mind ultimately is inherent in all beings, even in the tiniest beings, only with the vehicle of the 'precious human birth' can one realize that potential. The cause of the realization of that potential is the spiritual friend. The method is the skillful means of the teachings that are presented by the spiritual friend.

Among these important conditions, it can be said the most important one is that of the relationship with the proper spiritual friend. Given the fact that one does not have the understanding and the recognition of one's ability to experience enlightened mind, one cannot fabricate on one's own a path of which one has no idea; one would have no experiential understanding of the fruition, or even know the starting point. It is an honest fact that however one attempts on one's own to experience completely awakened mind, true awakened mind will not be experienced. One may perhaps experience momentary satisfaction or entertainment, but in order to experience true awakened mind one needs the cause of the spiritual friend, one who has the understanding of the method, and skillful means as well as experience."

H.E. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche The 3rd

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Share your most delicious (but affordable!) go-to meal...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

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4 hours ago

Stay healthy for them this winter.

Ministry of Health

Get the best protection you can before winter. The flu vaccine is free if you’re over 65. It’s also free for pregnant people and for many others with certain underlying health conditions, including diabetes, heart and lung diseases, and mental health conditions.

To book your flu vaccine contact your doctor, pharmacy or healthcare provider, or visit our website.
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4 hours ago

Riddle me this...

Riddles from The Neighbourly Riddler

What has to be broken before you can use it?

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