116 days ago

πŸ§€ Hold up! Countdown's 500g cheese is playing tricks on your wallet – it's 54% pricier per kilo compared to the 1kg block! What's the story behind this cheesy surprise?

Jack from Ponsonby

Why in the cheese world would anyone go for those 500g blocks? Countdown's pricing has me scratching my head, and it feels like I'm caught up in a cheesy conundrum. πŸ§€ Are they targeting those who aren't keen on math or those who can't swing the 1kg block that day?

Someone at Countdown decided to give that 500g budget cheese block a significant price bump. I'm asking politely – who's behind this? Who thought it was a good idea to raise the price by 54% when slicing the cheese? πŸ€”

Now, let's break it down:

1kg block = $11.29 per kg
500g block = $17.40 per kg ... a whopping 54% more expensive per kg.
For just $2.59 more, you could snag an extra 500g of cheese with the 1kg block! That's the difference. You're only saving $2.59 with the 500g block but paying way more per kilo. πŸ’Έ

I know there are bigger things happening in the world, but this pricing mystery has been on my mind. If you're into those 500g blocks, spill the cheese – what's your take? What's the real story here? 🧐

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The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

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7 hours ago

Stay healthy for them this winter.

Ministry of Health

Get the best protection you can before winter. The flu vaccine is free if you’re over 65. It’s also free for pregnant people and for many others with certain underlying health conditions, including diabetes, heart and lung diseases, and mental health conditions.

To book your flu vaccine contact your doctor, pharmacy or healthcare provider, or visit our website.
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7 hours ago

Riddle me this...

Riddles from The Neighbourly Riddler

What has to be broken before you can use it?

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