1856 days ago

Original poetry post 2

Andrea from Eden Terrace

Rise, my coat of Armour

Rusting now, fading in the corner
Only a glimpse of reflection now and then
Is the skin I wore not that long ago
But have not shed, merely stored
For darker days when the sun shall
Surely set and the soul robbers
Arise to hack through my shield
Not dressed in black or as gothics would
Rather no particular style of guilt
Who take from you all that you have built
Smiling well dressed people educated in the art
Of deceit lead you on in a dance
As long as it is to be beat of their feet
When you move with agility out of their way
And cast aside your armour they pierce you once more
So back you go to your corner and wipe off the dust
And wear your shield once more.

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14 hours ago

Share your most delicious (but affordable!) go-to meal...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Winter is knocking at the door and the cost of living has already made itself at home. So let's help each other out by sharing your meal ideas that don't break the bank.

Comment below with your go-to meals that are delicious and affordable.

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

3 hours ago

Skirt Alteration required.

Claudia from Mount Eden

Looking for reasonably priced alteration not too far from Mt Eden.
180cm width of hem. (Long skirt) To be shortened by 7.5 cm (3")
027 299 8409

14 hours ago

Bill anxiety?

The Team from NZ Compare

You're not alone. But guess what? You have more POWER than you think!

It is no secret that Kiwis are struggling more and more with the cost of living. Grocery prices, fuel and many other bills are all rising steadily.

It can feel overwhelming and like it’s hard to keep up and stay on top of things. It’s also easy to feel powerless. But the good news is that you actually have more power than you think.

Let us help you to take back control and SAVE on your bills!
