13 days ago

Top-town and bottom-up operated privacy blinds

Stefan from Plissee Blinds

20% OFF on the slim-fit model for sliding and folding doors.

Do you love your big windows and view but don't love people looking inside?

Gain light, privacy and view with top-down & bottom-up blinds.

Top-down and bottom-up operation:
Raised blinds from below can significantly impact the range of what can be seen from street level, below or across from the neighbours while letting plenty of light in and with a clear view outside.
They are creating a safer and more comfortable living environment and can block-out unsightly street views.

Mounting options without screwing are available.

* Blackout fabrics, translucent and transparent honeycomb or pleated UV block fabrics in many colours.
Manually or Automated operated available, depending on model

Honeycomb/pleated blinds make a great match with curtains!

For more info: plissee.co.nz...

Or call Stefan on 027 5218164

More messages from your neighbours
1 day ago

Glendowie college jumper

Gracie from Panmure

Looking for a glendowie college jumper and scarf. Please message me if you have them or one of, thank you in advance

3 days ago

Zumba Classes - St Thomas's School

Claudia from Mission Bay

After 2 weeks break, we are back ๐Ÿ™Œ Zumba is on tonight 7pm at St Thomas's School hall.

I can't wait to see you tonight ๐Ÿ˜

Classes are every Wednesdays 7pm ๐Ÿ’ƒ

#zumbawclaudia #yourliferhythm #zumba #zumbafitness #zumbaclass #energy #joy
