14 days ago

Heartbeats Presentation on Exercise and Cardiac Rehabiliation

Trent Lash from Heartbeats

Heartbeats is hosting a presentation by Matthew Wood, M.Sc. (Exercise Physiology) from AUT Millennium Centre on exercise-based cardiac and wellbeing rehabilitation after a heart event.
Heart attack and heart disease affects 1:3 people (31%).
Its tough to 'get back on the horse' and not feel that you own body could kill you at any time.
You feel you have lost control of your living and you are alone.
WRONG on both counts.
A clinically-led exercise programme coupled with a reasonable heart healthy diet and some emotional support, will give you back a long and fulfilling life.
WHERE: Hibiscus Coast Community House (behind Estuary Arts Centre) 214 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa.
WHEN: 10:00am - 11:00am on TUESDAY, 7th May.
It's FREE. All heart event survivors and those facing heart surgery of any kind, are very WELCOME. Bring along your spouse, partner and family.
For more information: Call Trent on 0220 606 199

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12 hours ago


Steve Brown from Hibiscus Life Coaching

Life is short. What would you do if you had just one more year to live?

It’s a scary question for a Life Coach to ask, but it’s one that’s well worth considering every year or so to help check your life is on track. It’s not a morbid question, it's a life-affirming one because it helps focus on what really matters and what you should be doing with your life.

You might want to start doing something that you have been putting off for years. It might be something big, or something relatively small. For example, you might have wanted to take up painting portraits, buy a dog, hire a camper van and explore the USA, or reconnect with an old friend you have not seen for years. The question highlights what’s important to you.

Thinking it through, I realised that I’ve known for a while as l get older, I need to improve my flexibility and balance. I’d like to practice Yoga, but the trouble hasd been I’d always come up with reasons why not: ‘men don’t go to yoga’ ‘I don’t have the right clothes for it’ ‘too expensive’ etc. Recognising life is short, the good news is I’ve now enrolled in a yoga class and feel good about it.

You might want to stop doing something. We all have bad habits we’d like to change, little things like cutting back on TV, doughnuts or social media, or bigger things like improving difficult relationships.

One coaching client I worked with was a kind and gentle guy at home and with friends, but he told me that at work he was the opposite. He was rude to customers, unhelpful to other staff, and generally a prize-winning grump.
Considering life is short, he came to realise he was suffering from work ‘burnout’ and was not behaving like the person he wanted to be. He eventually found a new job. Although it did not pay as well, it was less stressful and gave him space to be kind and gentle. In that way it was more consistent with his overall values.

Let me know what answers you come up with. I’d love to hear from you.
I offer a free introductory life coaching session. Call me now to book Ph 021 264 2506

This is a regular life coaching blog from Steve Brown Hibiscus Life Coach – please share with anyone you think would be interested.

1 day ago

Auckland’s Long-term Plan strikes a balance on 10-year investment

The Team from Auckland Council

Yesterday, we approved our proposed Long-term Plan 2024-2034 – including prioritised investment in transport and water, fairer funding for communities and an Auckland Future Fund.

Find out more details on what this plan includes by clicking on 'Read More'.

1 day ago

Social climber

The Team from Resene ColorShop Silverdale

Building framed bunk beds and finishing with curtains, Resene Indian Ink and Resene Colorwood Bark elevates the bach classic. Kids also love them at home. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.
