Recreational boatie to pay $5,050 after causing collision
An Auckland recreational boatie, Andrew Douglas Hutchings, has been ordered to pay $5,050 in fines and emotional harm payments after causing a collision on the Waitematā Harbour.
Maritime NZ Northern Regional Compliance Manager, Neil Rowarth, said Mr Hutchings had put the lives of others in danger by acting recklessly.
The collision caused all three people on board Mr Hutchings’ boat, Maraetai Star, to fall to the deck. Mr Hutchings was knocked unconscious and received a broken nose. One crew member was also rendered unconscious and received a cut to his head while the other crew member suffered a bruised hip.

Last call for entries to our Resene Shed of the Year 2025!
Take a look at Paul Bates' "surprisingly roomy" Tardis-inspired shed which took out our 2023 title, and if you reckon your shed is right up there, well, you could be in the running to win a robot lawnmower, Resene vouchers and a subscription to NZ Gardener. To enter, tell us why your garden shed is New Zealand's best, and send up to 5 high-quality photos to Resene Shed of the Year 2025, NZ Gardener PO Box 6341, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142. Or email to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz. Entries close February 23, 2025.

Paid 2 hour memory and cognition research opportunity with Dr Winters
1-3 visits for research on memory and cognition. Base pay is $100 for the first visit.
We are looking for a few more people in target groups:
16-19-year-olds whose parents have not completed a university degree
25-29-year-olds who did not finish high school or any further qualifications -- this is a really high priority!!!
70-74-year-old males who did not finish high school or any further qualifications
75-79-year-old males who have not completed a university degree
80-84-year-old males who did not finish high school or any further qualifications
85–90-year-olds who did not finish high school or any further qualifications
Hesitant to sign up to something over the internet? Check out Pearson Clinical Research online and verify Dr Nicole Winters through New Zealand Psychologist Board.
Then head to: www.pearsonclinical.com.au...
To be screened and assigned. I work days, evenings, and weekends. Please list Dr Nicole Winters so I can follow up with you. If you prefer, leave it blank and they will assign the closest psychologist.

🕵️♂️ Solve It If You Can! 🔎 Riddle Time
I’m a place of beauty,
from mountains to sea,
where the long white cloud drifts gracefully;
I’m far from most but close in heart—
what country am I,
a world apart?
Bonus points if you know the photo's location, here's a hint: it's the Riddler's home town!
Do you think you know the answer to our riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.
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