156 days ago

State of Volunteering Reports

Wendy Richards from Volunteering New Plymouth

These bi-annual reports measure and explain volunteering. Volunteering NZ uses the information to:

• Provide sector leadership, strategy advice, and reliable statistics
• Advocate for volunteering to decision-makers and government
• Provide training and resources for the sector.

In 2022 the state of volunteering in Aotearoa was reported to be generally healthy, however there were opportunities for more support for volunteers and volunteering.

Organisational survey
Please tell us about your experience as a leader in an organisation involving volunteers.

• What are your biggest challenges and opportunities?
• How are your volunteer onboarding and exiting processes?
• How healthy is the State of Volunteering for you?

Take the organisational survey

Volunteer survey
What is your experience of volunteering in New Zealand?

• For volunteers with organisations AND informal/ direct volunteers
• Help us identify key issues and trends affecting volunteering.
• We can better advocate for support for volunteering.

Please complete the Volunteering New Zealand survey to help with understanding of the current state of volunteering.

The surveys are anonymous, mostly multi-choice with some places to provide free text answers. They will be up until (estimated) 29 February – we encourage volunteers to do them over the holiday period.

Take the volunteer survey

More messages from your neighbours
2 days ago

Share your most delicious (but affordable!) go-to meal...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Winter is knocking at the door and the cost of living has already made itself at home. So let's help each other out by sharing your meal ideas that don't break the bank.

Comment below with your go-to meals that are delicious and affordable.

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

3 hours ago

Bowen Therapy, gentle, non-invasive fascia release.

Annemarie from Holistic Health Taranaki

"The Bowen technique offers tremendous benefit to the client..."

🟢injuries acute or chronic,
🟢pain acute or chronic,
🟢hormonal imbalance,
🟢baby reflux,

You name it, Bowen can be instrumental in improving or solving the issue you are challenged by.

Try it, book yourself an appointment today:

