133 days ago

Best Summer Activities to Enjoy in Aotearoa

The Team from NZ Compare

Dive into the quintessential Kiwi summer with sparkling beaches, iconic Pohutukawa trees, and the aroma of a classic sausage sizzle!

Explore Aotearoa's hidden gems and popular spots that captivate both locals and tourists during the scorching summer season.

More messages from your neighbours
3 days ago

Share your most delicious (but affordable!) go-to meal...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Winter is knocking at the door and the cost of living has already made itself at home. So let's help each other out by sharing your meal ideas that don't break the bank.

Comment below with your go-to meals that are delicious and affordable.

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

3 hours ago

Neighbourly crashed and now back

Sandra from Normandale

Hi all, My lovely Neighbourly crashed with goobly gook letters, words and number,s NONE of which made any sense.
Contacted Neighbourly HQ and a kind assistant talked me through fixing the crash from yesterday to many of us readers.
WHEW and thanks.

7 hours ago


The Chiro from The Chiro - Lower Hutt

The spine is designed to move and function with balance. Alterations and misalignments to the spine create imbalance throughout the entire human system, and can affect far more than what we notice physically. 🤯😵‍💫
Chiropractic care focusses on restoring alignment to the spine, to allow freedom of movement, optimal function, and clarity within the nervous system. ✨😇🧠🧘‍♀️

#alignment #balance #betterposture #movement #optimalfunction #movebetter #feelbetter #alignthespine #nervesystem #wellness #health #spinalhealth #chiropractic #chirocare #chiropracticadjustment #welladjusted #betterwithchiropractic #thechironz #wevegotyourback
