Q&A: Animal Welfare with SPCA's Dr Corey Regnerus-Kell
We're back with a Neighbourly Q&A session. This time with Dr Corey Regnerus-Kell who is a qualified veterinarian and SPCA’s General Manager Animal Services.
A little bit about Corey:
Corey has an interest in veterinary medicine, animal welfare, and biosecurity. He shares his home with ostriches, guinea pigs, bees, a rescue tortoiseshell named Lynk, a ragdoll named Oscar, two mini foxies called Chester and Maya and a black Labrador named Bonnie.
Dr Corey Regnerus-Kell is excited to answer your questions on all things animal welfare, whether it's how to best look after your new pet, how to combat separation anxiety or how to report neglect.
↓ Share your questions now ↓
Poll: Is it rude to take a full trolley to self-checkout?
Luckily self-checkout is pretty common in supermarkets these days and we generally use it to quickly buy a few things without the long lines. But perhaps it's appropriate to head there with your full trolley to skip the lines?
What are your thoughts? Is that rude?
Share in the comments below if this has ever happened to you.
53.5% Yes!
43.9% Nah, it's okay
2.6% Other - I'll share below!
Meet the Cambridge man whose home was sold due to unpaid rates
The owner of a Cambridge home sold to cover tens of thousands in unpaid Waipā District Council rates has no plans to leave despite the rapidly approaching settlement date.
Fraser Smith, 57, a painter on a benefit, said he’s seeking legal advice on his next steps regarding the home in Fort St, just off the main street near Victoria Bridge.