Start Training for Security Today!
Our course is designed to get you ready for a career in security or armed forces. It will cover aspects of law, emergency procedures, radio communications, along with personal risk and unarmed restraint strategies. There is an emphasis on the importance of team work.
Available Courses
National Certificate in Security and Events Level 3
Qualifications you will achieve
National Certificate in Security Level 2
National Certificate in Security and Events Level 3
Certificate of Approval (This is required by the security industry)
This 10-month course gives you all the skills and knowledge required to start your career in Security. Ring us free on 0800 872 466 for more details.

What do you think the next valuation of your home will bring?
Hamiltonians can expect a fall in residential property valuations for rating purposes after the latest triennial stocktake by the city council’s valuer.
The RVs will be based on data from September last year, with results due out in April.

Solve These Mind-Puzzling Riddles 🤔 And Earn Ultimate Bragging Rights!
A man and his boss have the same parents but are not siblings.
How is this possible?
Do you think you know the answer to our riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.
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Head here and hover on the Following button on the top right of the page (and it will show Unfollow) and then click it. If it is giving you the option to Follow, then you've successfully unfollowed the Riddles page.

Show us your creative backyard build
We hope you've been enjoying the Neighbourly Backyard Awards so far, we know we have!
It is time for our last award. And the category is....Most creative backyard build
It could be a planter box, an outdoor table or even a backyard bar. We just want to see the sanctuary you've created in your backyard.
So share a photo, or two, in a comment below of your creation or backyard set up a to be in to win a $100 Mitre10 voucher. Winner will be announced next Monday 🛝🪴🛖