1518 days ago

Discover New Learning Possibilities.


NumberWorks’nWords are the English and Maths tuition experts with over 34 years experience. Our tuition programmes have proven to be effective, boosting student’s confidence and results.

We believe it’s the personalised approach that really makes a difference. We cater for students of all abilities from New Entrant to Year 11 — No matter whether your child is struggling to keep up, or racing to get ahead, we can tailor a tuition programme to meet their needs.

Call your local Number Works'Words on 0800 386 266 to book your Free Assessment and Introductory Lesson today
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More messages from your neighbours
2 hours ago

Do you own these items?

The Team from Canterbury Police

Police have located the below items believed to have been stolen on or before December 2022 and we are looking to reunite them with their owner/s.

If you own these items and are able to prove ownership (i.e. a photo, description, document or Police report) we would like to hear from you.

You can contact Police by calling 105 or going online to www.police.govt.nz... using ‘Update Report’ and referencing file number: 221031/8794.

4 hours ago

Tech Support and Computer Repairs

Andrew King from The Computer Trainers - Tech Support

Looking for user-friendly computer repairs and tech support? I can help with technical support, troubleshooting, virus removal, data recovery and generally just making technology work.

Andrew King
021 116-7074

6 hours ago

Join Timebank Today

Fiona Murray from Selwyn Timebank

Timebanking is one way of connecting people in the community, helping each other, sharing resources and ideas and valuing one another's time. Why don't you check us out today? We run workshops, have coffee mornings and visit places of interest together. And membership is free!

We are a project of Lincoln Envirotown - centred on living sustainability and building community.