712 days ago

Onion pickers celebrated in art - come see the exhibition

Sapeer Mayron Reporter from Franklin County News

What is an iconic image that makes you think of Pukekohe?

For many of us it is onion pick­ers, backs bent over the brown soil in the surrounding fields.

Now this annual part of our rural heritage has been celebrated in art.

Ioka­peta Magele-Suamasi has con­trib­uted Onion Picker, a mixed media install­a­tion which is a centrepiece to the Het­ero­dox Us exhib­i­tion at the Frank­lin Arts Centre.

For many school hol­i­days in the 1970s and 1980s Mage­le­-Suamasi would come with her par­ents and seven sib­lings to toil in the onion and potato fields around Frank­lin.

It has left an indelible memory, which she trans­formed into an art­work which has in turn evoked memor­ies and star­ted con­ver­sa­tions among gal­lery vis­it­ors.

Two rows of onion sacks run through the gal­lery, each emblazoned with anec­dotes shared by Magele-Suamasi’s sib­lings when she told them she was cre­at­ing this work.

They cap­ture the hard work of pick­ing: ‘‘Everything and every­one smells like onions’’; ‘‘and then the sound of onion clip­pers all day until sun­set’’ but also the sense of fam­ily and togeth­er­ness that the days of pick­ing brought: ‘‘glass gal­lon bottles filled with orange cor­dial drinks’’ and ‘‘pain, endur­ance, team­work, pride.’’

Come in and see the exhibition for yourself:

Het­ero­dox Us
Frank­lin Arts Centre, Pukekohe
Runs till June 18

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Share your most delicious (but affordable!) go-to meal...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Winter is knocking at the door and the cost of living has already made itself at home. So let's help each other out by sharing your meal ideas that don't break the bank.

Comment below with your go-to meals that are delicious and affordable.

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19 minutes ago

It's that time of the year again...

Pukekohe Toyota

Road Safety Week is back! 🚗🚙🛻

So, buckle up, check those mirrors and drive safely.

The theme for this year is:

'Be a road safety hero, recognising everyone who helps to make our roads safer.'

10 hours ago