1818 days ago

Waimahanga Walking Track.

Tony from Onerahi

Not sure what is happening?? I have questions and hopefully someone will know the answers.

1) Will a bulldozers come soon and straight the nice wandering walking track?
2) Orange paint makings cutting the corners.
3) Should the community be notified before straightening a walking track?
4) Is the straitening for cycles?
5) What happens to the many people who love walking thru the bush walk, will they now become second class to bikes?
6) Many cycles give way at present (THANKS) however some spoil it for the rest. they speed past and without any warning.

Over many years there was talk about concrete cycle track/path, that appears they charge to stones/scoria which I would prefer. There has been many large trees cut down on the "corner cuts" knowing this was coming. I'm disappointed because I did ask when the trees were cut down and some damage to the point they died. I know my questions back then were realistic concerns. It appears now they are not bypassing the hill however looks like some large trees will be cut down in that process?.

Are you happy with the bush walk or a straighten cycle track?

I do cycle I'm not against cyclist, I love the bush and walking my dogs. Can we have both? or will cyclist need to fit in with walkers?

Glad some maintenance is going to happen. Not happy with the straightening.

Thanks Tony Gill

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