670 days ago

Karori Rotary is celebrating 40 years of service

Mark Wood from Rotary Club of Karori

The Rotary Club of Karori is one of 36,754 clubs with 1.2 million members in 220 countries and territories around the world.
Our club was chartered in May 1982. This, our 40th anniversary year, is an opportunity to reflect on, and celebrate, the Club’s many activities and achievements over the years. Here is yet another such achievement.

Books for the Solomons
In 2002, in response to an appeal from a Wellington VSA lawyer working in Kirakira, the provincial capital of the Makira-Ulawa Province in the Solomon Islands, the Rotary Club of Karori collected and despatched some 3,000 books to Honiara for subsequent distribution to the library in Kirakira and schools on Makira (also known as San Cristobal) Island.

Applications for membership are always welcome
If you’d like to learn more about Rotary and the personal satisfaction and growth that comes from serving others, please contact Andrea Skews, E andrea.skews@gmail.com, M 022 073 5548 or Phil Oliver, E phil@praxissoftware.co.nz, M021 292 7001.

Unpacking library books in Kirakira.

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3 days ago

Poll: Would you want an unconventional funeral?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Funerals can cost as much as $22,000 and the planning can be stressful especially at a time when loved ones are grieving. Some New Zealanders are re-imagining funerals by making their own coffin or having a relaxed ceremony at home. Would you want a less traditional funeral? Share your thoughts below.

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

Would you want an unconventional funeral?
  • 84.3% Yes
    84.3% Complete
  • 13.7% No
    13.7% Complete
  • 2% Other - I'll share below!
    2% Complete
1539 votes
12 hours ago

Do you know the answer?

Riddles from The Neighbourly Riddler

What has 88 keys but can’t open a door?

Click 'Like' if you know the answer!

The answer will be revealed here at 2pm.

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6 hours ago

Addictive Eaters Anonymous

The Team from Addictive Eaters Anonymous - Wellington

I am no longer looking in from the outside

I had a sense of isolation and loneliness which had been with me from childhood. As an overweight child I went on to be an obese adult.

I suffered from massive anxiety and later on in life with depression. If asked how I was I would reply 'fine', but inside felt dreadful. I recall feeling depressed in my late teens and later had postnatal depression with the births of my children. The amounts I was eating at these times increased and so did my weight - the more I ate, the worse I felt; the worse I felt, the more I ate.
