Age Concern Christmas Social Hubs for the Hutt Valley
Meri Kirihimete - Merry Christmas
Come and join our fun Christmas Hubs:
Upper Hutt - Te Kupenga o Rongomai - Maidstone Sports Centre, Wednesday 11th Dec at 12pm featuring the Hutt Ukulele Orchestra.
Lower Hutt - Walter Nash Centre, Thursday 12 December 1:30pm

Let us help you start a business and get online.
Got a business idea but not sure where to start?
Whether it’s a side hustle or your big leap, JumpStarter is here to help you turn your business dreams into reality! From step-by-step guides to practical tips, we’ll walk you through launching your business and building your first website.
Ready to make it happen? Let’s go! 🚀

🕵️♂️ Solve It If You Can! 🔎 Riddle Time
I’m a place of beauty,
from mountains to sea,
where the long white cloud drifts gracefully;
I’m far from most but close in heart—
what country am I,
a world apart?
Bonus points if you know the photo's location, here's a hint: it's the Riddler's home town!
Do you think you know the answer to our riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.
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Arms Act Rewrite Public Consultation Closes in 10 Days
Arms Act Rewrite Public Consultation Closes in 10 Days
You have until midnight of Friday 28 March to make your submission. Here is the link:
It is important that the public make their submission because if you don’t the pro-gun lobby group COLFO (Council of Licenced Firearms Owners) will steam-roll the submissions process.
COLFO has three or four key objectives: Abolish the Firearms Registry, remove authority for the management of the Firearms Safety Authority from the Police, to the Ministry of Justice, make it easier for applicants to get a firearms licence by relaxing the vetting process, re-introduce semi-automatic centre-fire rifles.
If you are OK with semi-automatic centre-fire rifles being re-introduced, then there is nothing for you to do.
If the thought of semi-automatic centre-fire rifles being once more available to the general public, the A Category licence holders, concerns you, then you need to make a submission. Also contact your MP to voice your concerns and write to the Ombudsmen.
If you are one of the 65,000 people who, in March 2019, signed the petition banning semi-automatic weapons, you need to visit the Ministry of Justice website and re-affirm your commitment.
Making a submission about the Arms Act rewrite