36 days ago

Let's talk about some unexpected germ hotspots that might give you the heebie-jeebies! 😳

Matt from Matt Wineera - Thats Real Estate with Matt Wineera

1. **Your Keyboard:** Believe it or not, your keyboard is probably dirtier than your bathroom! 😱

It's like a germ party with bacteria like staphylococci, streptococci, and other nasties hanging out there. Yikes!

To keep it clean, try disinfecting it at least once a week. If it's a shared keyboard, maybe bump up the cleaning frequency a bit. Grab some wipes with 70% alcohol and give it a good wipe-down. And hey, don't go thinking higher alcohol percentages are better – they just evaporate too fast to do the job properly.

2. **TV Remote:** Be honest now, when was the last time you cleaned your TV remote? 📺

With everyone in the family pawing at it daily, it's a breeding ground for germs. Grab some alcohol wipes or a damp microfibre cloth with alcohol and give it a quick wipe every day. Your remote – and your peace of mind – will thank you!

3. **Bathroom Tap:** Okay, brace yourself for this one. The bathroom tap – you know, the one you touch right after doing your business – is a germ magnet. 😬

It's like a party spot for bacteria like e. coli and other not-so-pleasant types. Studies even show that homes with kids and pets tend to be germier! So, maybe give that tap an extra scrub when you're cleaning the bathroom.

Stay clean, stay healthy, and remember to give those sneaky germ hideouts a good scrub every now and then!

Germs are everywhere–in the air, water, soil and even in food. These include viruses, but also bacteria, fungi and other gross stuff that can infect us.

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4 days ago

Poll: Have you ever been bullied?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

People associate bullying with children in schools, but it can actually stretch beyond childhood to workplaces or neighbourhoods.

This Friday is Pink Shirt Day, which began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying after a new student was harassed for wearing pink. People across the globe are now encouraged to wear pink on this day to take a stand against bullying and promote inclusivity.

Have you or your whānau ever experienced bullying? Share your thoughts on Pink Shirt Day below.

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

Have you ever been bullied?
  • 81.6% Yes
    81.6% Complete
  • 18% No
    18% Complete
  • 0.3% Other - I'll share below
    0.3% Complete
1147 votes
6 days ago

Neighbourly Q&A: Renting rights with CAB's Sacha Green

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

We are continuing our Q&A sessions on Neighbourly. This week we have the amazing Sacha Green from Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CABNZ) who will be answering your questions about your renting rights.

A little bit about Sacha:
She has been working for CABNZ for 10 years and is passionate about empowering people with knowledge of their rights as well as ensuring access to justice.

She helps support the team of over 2,000 trained volunteers who deliver the CAB service in 80 neighbourhoods around Aotearoa by providing advice and support at a national level on a wide range of issues. One of Sacha’s work areas is leading the CAB’s social justice work on housing and tenancy issues.

Whether you're a flatmate, landlord, boarder or flatmate, you can leave a comment below and Sacha will share an answer on Wednesday from 9.30am. You may want to ask about notice periods, bond fulfillment, reasonable rent increases, or even whose responsibility it is to deal with mould in the home.

Join Sacha here on Wednesday at 9.30am. See you then!.

⇩ Share your question below ⇩

1 day ago

Moving house in winter ❄️

Matt from Matt Wineera - Thats Real Estate with Matt Wineera

Moving house in winter can be tricky with the weather being so unpredictable. But don't worry! Let's make it stress-free and smooth.

Keep an eye on the weather forecast using your favorite weather app. 🌧️ Planning ahead is key!

Grab some plastic sheeting from your local hardware store to cover furnishings and floors, even old sheets can work in these scenarios to protect those precious items.

Spread the word! If you know someone else moving in winter, share these tips with them. #MovingTips

Also, consider placing mats outside your doors to minimise dirt coming into your old place and don't forget at your new place!

And don't forget your essentials bag! 🎒 Include a small toolkit, cleaning supplies, snacks, and a change of clothes. These little things can make a big difference on moving day.

Got more questions or need more tips?
Let's chat! 0274951536

#MovingDay #RealEstateTips #MattWineeraRealEstate
