190 days ago

Do Curtains Reduce Heat?

The Team from Curtain Clean (Hawkes Bay Chem-Dry)

As the summer months approach, many people look for ways to keep their homes cool without relying entirely on air conditioning. One simple and cost-effective method is the use of curtains. This article will explore how curtains can reduce heat and provide a more comfortable living space.

How Curtains Reduce Heat
Blocking Sunlight: Curtains act as a barrier to the sun's rays, preventing them from heating up your room. By closing the curtains during the hottest part of the day, you can reduce the temperature inside.

Material Matters: The type of fabric plays a crucial role in how effective the curtains are at blocking heat. Thick, dense materials like velvet or blackout fabrics can block more heat compared to sheer or lightweight fabrics.

Colour Choices: Darker colours tend to absorb more heat, whereas lighter colours reflect it. While dark curtains may block more sunlight, they might also trap more heat. On the other hand, lighter curtains can keep a room cooler by reflecting heat away.

Insulating Properties: Some curtains have a special lining that adds an extra layer of insulation, keeping the heat outside and the cool air inside. These can be particularly effective in maintaining a comfortable temperature.

Benefits of Using Curtains to Reduce Heat
Energy Savings: By reducing the need for air conditioning......

Keep reading: www.curtainclean.co.nz...

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Share your most delicious (but affordable!) go-to meal...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Winter is knocking at the door and the cost of living has already made itself at home. So let's help each other out by sharing your meal ideas that don't break the bank.

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10 hours ago

Stay healthy for them this winter.

Ministry of Health

Get the best protection you can before winter. The flu vaccine is free if you’re over 65. It’s also free for pregnant people and for many others with certain underlying health conditions, including diabetes, heart and lung diseases, and mental health conditions.

To book your flu vaccine contact your doctor, pharmacy or healthcare provider, or visit our website.
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10 hours ago

Riddle me this...

Riddles from The Neighbourly Riddler

What has to be broken before you can use it?

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