1020 days ago

Rose Hughes’ latest project gives an old wooden crate a charming second life.

The Team from Resene ColorShop Taupo

Give an old wooden crate a charming second life with Resene.

Find out how to create your own.

More messages from your neighbours
3 hours ago

Why Leonie loves lawn bowls

Hilda Ross Retirement Village

For the uninitiated, lawn bowls may just look like a bunch of people throwing balls up and down a flat piece of grass.

But for Evelyn Page Retirement Village resident Leonie, it is a game of skill that has brought her 40 years of friendship, camaraderie and many fun-filled experiences and memories.

So much so, that she has dedicated most of the last 20-plus years to umpiring the game. It is her way of giving back, she says, and now she is lending those skills to the upcoming trans-Tasman inter-village Ryman Roll Up.

Click read more for the full story.

3 hours ago

Huge opportunity to accelerate ecological work

The Team from Momentum Waikato

The Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trust, or ‘WCEET’, is a collaboration between Mercury Power and the conservation groups that were involved in the re-consenting process for the company’s Waikato River dams. Together they manage an enhancement fund that supports efforts to environmentally compensate for the dams’ impact.

WCEET’s financial support has had a hugely positive impact on the Waikato and Lake Taupo catchments since it was established two decades ago – its funding of 300+ conservation projects has collectively enhanced 2600+ hectares of wetland and 2600+ hectares of riparian habitat, with 2.43 million natives planted and predator control applied to 7200+ hectares.

“We’ve supported some truly inspirational volunteer groups, landowners and businesses dedicated to protecting and enhancing the environment,” said Trust Chair Gwyn Verkerk.

“Without any promotion, our funding rounds are always over-subscribed. So we’ve set up the WCEET Fund with Momentum Waikato, as both a new investment income stream in its own right, and to provide an easy way for the public to donate towards the expansion and long-term sustainability of this crucial local conservation funding.”

4 hours ago

What's On: Free Community Yoga Classes

Joleen from Taupo Central

Come along to 2 FREE yoga classes from 11.30am - 12.45pm and 3 - 4.15pm led by Asia Pacific Yoga teacher trainees. Beginners welcome. RSVP to Joleen 022-5800523.
Free Community Yoga Classes
  • Empower Fitness Taupo