1313 days ago

CPR saves walker who suffered heart attack on popular walk

Nicholas Boyack Reporter from Community News

Shaun Duseigneur​ died, went to heaven, and then came back to life.
In January, he set off to do the Paekākāriki escarpment track, including he section known as the Stairway to Heaven.
Although he was not feeling well, he did not want to let his partner Chantal Lynch down and decided to push on.

Halfway along the track, he suffered a heart attack and stopped breathing. A bystander began doing CPR and after 20 minutes, Duseigneur​ began to breathe for himself.

In Wellington Hospital he was placed in a coma and he needed surgery to put a stent in his heart. He has made a good recovery, although his memory of that day is not good.

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22 hours ago

Riddle me this...

Riddles from The Neighbourly Riddler

You show up for Monday's class and find that it's been postponed. It will be held three days after the day before the day after tomorrow. What day should you show up?

Click 'Like' if you know the answer!

The answer will be revealed here at 2pm.

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10 hours ago


Ian Hamilton from Natures choice gardening services - Lower Hutt

"Got a messy garden that needs some TLC? Look no further! Contact me for a free quote and let me transform your garden into a beautiful oasis. Experienced in garden clean-ups, weeding, and maintenance. Don't wait, call now to schedule your appointment!"



10 hours ago

What's On: Mums Raising Girls Who Invest

Laurel from Silverstream

A safe informal space to chat about all things money and investing. Gold coin donation will go to Ellies Canine Rescue.
Mums Raising Girls Who Invest
  • Ricoh Centre, Fraser Park Sportsville