Open Day every Thursday from 11.00am
You are invited to join us for morning tea and a tour of our new Apartments.
To confirm your date call 0800 868 5484

Poll: Do you have a pet at home?
Neighbourly members LOVE their pets, whether it's a smoochy cat, a trusty pup or even a feathered friend.
We'd like to know how many of you who see this post actually have a pet at home. Let us know in the poll below!

73.6% Yes - I have a pet / multiple pets
7.6% Not currently, but one day!
18.8% Nope, I live in a pet-free home

Mindfulness 6week course starting March 5th
Learn about some of the brain science behind the skills of Mindfulness and practice some new techniques to help you relax into the present moment as we move through the summer months in Thames!
Small friendly group at the Thames Community Centre. Please join us!

Share your summer photos! 📷
Taken some beautiful snaps lately? Whether it's rainbows, sunsets or a beautiful summer's day, we'd love you to share the joy with us.
Share a photo in the comments below