1456 days ago

Please share an ANZAC story with us Nelson, Marlborough and Tasman...


Dear Nelson, Marlborough and Tasman - ANZAC Day will look a little different for us this year - however there are many ways for you to acknowledge the incredible men and women who have served our communities and given their lives for our country.

We invite you to share a memory or photo to commemorate this special day on Neighbourly below. It could be a story of a member in your family who served - or perhaps the way you and your family celebrate ANZAC Day each year. (It might even be a photo of your freshly baked can't be-beaten ANZAC cookies).

We also invite you to take part in Stand at Dawn and join us at 6:00 am on Saturday 25 April. Stand at your letterbox, at the front door, in your lounge rooms, balconies, in your driveway. Wherever you are in the world, stand with us and take a moment to remember our fallen – but please stay within your ‘bubble’.

More messages from your neighbours
1 day ago

Stop paying too much!

The Team from NZ Compare

The affordability of everyday items just keeps increasing!
If it’s not the petrol prices, it’s the cost of food, insurance or rates and let’s not get started on mortgage interest costs!

From our recent poll, it shows that over half of people are paying more than a 6% mortgage interest rate. Home loan interest rates don't stay the same for long these days and it’s causing many households to feel stressed out.

Could you be saving thousands of dollars a year? If you don't check, you don't know. Get a FREE mortgage health check through Money Compare and find out. If you could save money, why wouldn’t you right?!

5 days ago

Kiwis are finding best deals possible

The Team from NZ Compare

Discover how Kiwis are ditching the 'lazy loyalty tax' and saving money with this tool! Learn more in Stuff's article about finding better deals and paying less.

6 days ago

Happy Sibling's Day!

The Team from NZ Compare

STOP comparing me with my siblings!
Instead, let's compare bills and see who can save more this Siblings' Day! Show off your financial savvy and sibling spirit by finding the best deals together and shout each other a meal.
