Addictive Eaters Anonymous
Recovery from Bulimia
Do you have a secret life where food is concerned? Have you used compulsive exercise, laxatives or vomiting to try and control your weight? Have you tried every available bulimia treatment out there? Do you find it exhausting trying to maintain a ‘normal’ weight? Find out how our bulimic members have turned their lives around through the Twelve Steps of AEA.
Share your summer photos! 📷
Taken some beautiful snaps lately? Whether it's rainbows, sunsets or a beautiful summer's day, we'd love you to share the joy with us.
Share a photo in the comments below
Have you got a great recipe for feijoas?
Kia ora neighbours. If you've got a family recipe for feijoas, we'd love to see it and maybe publish it in our magazine. Send your recipe to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz, and if we use it in the mag, you will receive a free copy of our March 2025 issue.