643 days ago

Climate leaders become beneficiaries as budget cuts axe community funding

Mildred Armah Reporter from Central Leader

A climate change educator is wondering where the next generation of climate leaders will come from if sweeping Auckland Council budget cuts are passed.

Auckland mayor Wayne Brown is seeking to plug a $375 million shortfall in Auckland Council’s budget. His proposal includes a $20m cut to a wide range of community, and arts funding.

This includes reducing local board operating funding by $16m – 5% of the total budget local boards oversee.

More messages from your neighbours
32 minutes ago

Homemade Macarons

Eve from Onehunga

Hello!! Treat yourself to homemade macarons with Free Delivery in Onehunga, Royal Oak and Epsom on Friday & Saturday ❤️
I'm in training mode for an amateur macaron competition, and you're in for a treat with my perfectly imperfect creations! Some are flawless, others have a little character—but they all taste amazing! 😋

🍬 Mixed Box of 10: $30
Made with real fruits and lots of love!

This week’s flavors are:
🍒 Passion fruit & chocolate
🍋 Lemon & lime white chocolate
🍫 Salted caramel & milk chocolate

Limited stock!

Message me to order! ☺🤸

2 hours ago

Highwic - a Guided Tour of the House

Highwic from Highwic - Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga

Join on the last Thursday of each month, starting on Thursday 27th of March, for a guided tour of Highwic. Get up close and learn more about the lives of the pioneering Buckland family who lived at Highwic from the 1860s to the 1970s. Includes information about the Carpenter Gothic architecture, highlights from the art, furnishings, and decorative collections.
In this one-hour “behind-the-ropes” tour staff will guide you from room to room bringing to life some of the unique stories of the house, family, and objects used by the family.
Numbers are limited, booking essential. Email: highwic@heritage.org.nz

More Information
40 Gillies Avenue
Newmarket, Auckland 1023

When: Last Thursday of every month from Thursday 27 March, then Thursday 24 April, and Thursday 29 May.
Time: Meet at 10.30am, runs till 12pm
Cost: Free for HNZPT Members, Adults $15, Children free. Includes coffee/tea

Numbers are limited, booking essential. Email: highwic@heritage.org.nz

15 hours ago

🕵️‍♂️ Solve It If You Can! 🔎 Riddle Time

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

I’m a place of beauty,
from mountains to sea,
where the long white cloud drifts gracefully;
I’m far from most but close in heart—
what country am I,
a world apart?

Bonus points if you know the photo's location, here's a hint: it's the Riddler's home town!

Do you think you know the answer to our riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post if you know the answer and the big reveal will be posted in the comments at 2pm.

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