637 days ago

Music Tutor Vacancy

Zoe Tsai from Birkdale North Music Centre

Birkdale North Music Centre Guitar/Ukulele tutor job vacancy for 2022.

Guitar/Ukulele - Saturday morning from 8:40 am to 11:40 am during school term in Birkdale, North Shore.

There are a total of 4 classes, each class has 3 to 8 students. One class is ukulele beginner class, the rest are guitar classes. Students age from 7 to 12 years old.

Apart from musicians, university students or year 13 students are also suitable for this position.

Email info@birkdalenorthmusic.school.nz for applying for the position with a CV attached.

More messages from your neighbours
2 hours ago

u3a monthly meeting - Monday 6 May

Alison Cleland from u3a Birkenhead

Hear Toni Ashton speak about Tiritiri Matangi Island: a model of conservation.

Toni is a retired Professor of Health Economics, and has been a guide on Tiritiri Matangi Island for 8 years. Toni will talk about how the island has been transformed from a barren wasteland to a thriving forest full of rare native birds.

Meet as usual at 10am at the Birkenhead Bowling Club. Visitors are welcome.

20 hours ago

Moving clear out !

Samineh from Birkenhead

Hello community. I'm moving house and have a lot of stuff to clear out. The move has cost a lot so unfortunately can't give away free right now. I usually do donations to shops.
But these things are all excellent condition, some not even used, and good quality brands.

Women's Clothes size small or xs .

Girls clothes sizes 5-7

boys clothes infant and 1.

But I need them gone fast so if you want a good deal for nice clothing from good shops like seed , Zara and so on, also there's lots of kids toys and activities.

please drop a comment in this thread if you're interested and I'll dm you and you can come view.

In Birkenhead
Thank you 😊