Volunteering Waikato

Community Organisation

Volunteering Waikato
2 London Street
Hamilton 3204
769 days ago

It's National Volunteer Week...

Heather Moore from Volunteering Waikato

...and we are taking a moment to acknowledge those who give of their time, talent and commitment to our communities through their volunteer efforts.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou! It's your time to shine! #NVW2022

769 days ago

It's National Volunteer Week...

Heather Moore from Volunteering Waikato

...and we are taking a moment to acknowledge those who give of their time, talent and commitment to our communities through their volunteer efforts.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou! It's your time to shine! #NVW2022

769 days ago

It's National Volunteer Week...

Heather Moore from Volunteering Waikato

...and we are taking a moment to acknowledge those who give of their time, talent and commitment to our communities through their volunteer efforts.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou! It's your time to shine! #NVW2022

769 days ago

It's National Volunteer Week...

Heather Moore from Volunteering Waikato

...and we are taking a moment to acknowledge those who give of their time, talent and commitment to our communities through their volunteer efforts.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou! It's your time to shine! #NVW2022

769 days ago

It's National Volunteer Week...

Heather Moore from Volunteering Waikato

...and we are taking a moment to acknowledge those who give of their time, talent and commitment to our communities through their volunteer efforts.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou! It's your time to shine! #NVW2022
