Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough

Community Organisation

Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough
1st Floor
Stadium 2000Kinross Street Blenheim 7201
692 days ago

Our Story

The Team from Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough

An established charity since 1995, we are a leader in positive child and youth development and currently work with over 26,000 young people in 10 regions throughout New Zealand. To find out more about who we are, head to our website through the link below.

706 days ago

Kiwi Can πŸ’šβ­

The Team from Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough

Kiwi Can is our primary school programme which focuses on teaching tamariki values such as respect, integrity, positive relationships and resilience. We love seeing what our tamariki think of the programme, find out more through the link below!

708 days ago

Our Programmes

The Team from Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough

Since 1995, we have reached over 350,000 young people through our programmes and currently work with over 26,000 tamariki and rangatahi across the country.

711 days ago

Have you donated to a charity over the last few years? πŸ’œ

The Team from Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough

Supergenerous can help you claim back your rebates and re-gift them to the Foundation. By re-donating your tax rebate you can stretch your donation further which helps us continue our mahi πŸ’šπŸ‘

733 days ago

Kandoo Can: Make Friends! πŸ“–πŸ’š

The Team from Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough

"Kandoo Can: Make Friends" a book developed by Graeme Dingle Foundation Auckland is the first book designed to reflect and teach the values of our Kiwi Can programme, respect, resilience, integrity and positive relationships.

With school starting back soon, now is a great time to … View more
"Kandoo Can: Make Friends" a book developed by Graeme Dingle Foundation Auckland is the first book designed to reflect and teach the values of our Kiwi Can programme, respect, resilience, integrity and positive relationships.

With school starting back soon, now is a great time to purchase a gift for tamariki around Aotearoa.

Purchase a copy through the link below.
