Cdk Stone NZ Limited

Since its inception in 1982 CDK Stone has gone on to become the leading and one of the largest suppliers of natural stone products in New Zealand and Australia with our activities continually expanding and diversifying in response to the changing market demands in both the residential and commercial sectors.

Our wide range of natural stone slabs and tiles are sourced from the finest quarries around the world where each piece of stone is as unique and individual as nature itself. Regardless of the size of your project CDK Stone has a solution to meet and exceed your requirements.


About Cdk Stone NZ Limited

Since its inception in 1982 CDK Stone has gone on to become the leading and one of the largest suppliers of natural stone products in New Zealand and Australia with our activities continually expanding and diversifying in response to the changing market demands in both the residential and commercial sectors.

Our wide range of natural stone slabs and tiles are sourced from the finest quarries around the world where each piece of stone is as unique and individual as nature itself. Regardless of the size of your project CDK Stone has a solution to meet and exceed your requirements.