Wellington Ostomy Association (Inc)

Community Organisation

Wellington Ostomy Association (Inc)
PO Box 1142 Wellington 6140

We provide peer support for people who have to wear a bag following surgery such as for bowel cancer, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, bladder cancer, other trauma or congenital conditions resulting in a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy. Membership is free for ostomates.

We have regular coffee mornings to compare notes, and also arrange Q&A sessions with the nurses.

We also work at national level to ensure the continuity and suitability of supplies.

Contact us on our email: wellington.ostomy@gmail.com if you have or are likely to require a bag.

We are aiming to set up local groups to meet as required:
If you are in Tawa you are welcome to message me, David Barnes
Whitby: Lisa Groos 235 9159
Newlands: Jan Haines 972 9684
Kingston: Derek Smith 934 4463
Ngaio: Gary Ross 479 3500