Plane Sense

Community Organisation

Plane Sense
Northern Suburbs
New Zealand

Plane Sense is a nighbourhood group run by residents from Johnsonville, Broadmeadows and Khandallah. We are a community organisation supportigng residents who are experiencing increased aircraft noise from Wellington Airport following the flight path change on 1 December 2022.

Visit for more information and sign up for updates on our website.

On 1 December 2022 Airways, New Zealand's air navigation service provider, implemented a new flight path system (DMAPS) which was approved by Wellington International Airport Limited (WIAL). This was done without consultation with northern suburb residents and knowingly impacting the residents of Johnsonville, Broadmeadows and Khandallah. The effect of this change is also reaching our neighbours, in Ngaio and Crofton Downs. As residents we care passionately about our surroundings, our community's well-being, the tranquility of our maunga - Mount Kaukau/Tarikākā and its surrounding nature reserve, which is home to recovering populations of native birds. 

We are questioning the process and implementation of this flight path decision. We are creating a strong, collective voice to be heard and effect change for the peace of our community. We are here as kaitiaki/guardians, to advocate for more birdsong and less aircraft noise at the foothill of Mount Kaukau/Tarikākā. Find out more and the latest information.