Hawkes Bay Emergency Management

Community Organisation

Hawkes Bay Emergency Management
231 Hastings Street
Napier South
Napier 4110

It's your community that must respond when disaster strikes and you may have skills and knowledge about your area which will be needed.

The Civil Defence structure and legislative powers revolve around enabling communities to identify problems and manage outcomes. This will not happen if there is no-one to confirm the extent of the disaster impact, identify problems and facilitate a local response.

  • Participating in training activities and developing knowledge of hazards and their consequences will significantly improve your community's response.

Your community will be better able to respond if you understand how Civil Defence and integrated Emergency Management function, which agency is responsible for which tasks and how the co-ordinated priorities are established and acted upon.

CD Organisations are heavily reliant on volunteers to staff civil defence operations centres. The organisation has evolved considerably since the 1960s, which were the hey day of Civil Defence; titles, role and the types of people involved have all changed considerably over time and new volunteers are always needed.

Where do volunteers fit in? 

Because disasters don't happen every other afternoon, Council maintains a minimal staffing level for the Civil Defence Emergency Management Organisation. This staff undertake the planning, equipping, maintenance, recruitment and training activities.

  • Council staff are seconded, and contractors and selected community volunteers are appointed to roles in the Emergency Operations Centre at Council.
  • Community Volunteers are recruited and trained throughout the year to staff the community Civil Defence Centres.


For Napier, you can go the  Napier City Council website and complete a Volunteer Application/Nomination Form, or you can contact Marcus Hayes-Jones napiercd@hbemergency.govt.nz.