Feilding Rose Society and Garden Club

Community Organisation

The Feilding Rose Society and Garden Club is dedicated to promoting and growing interest in the joys of gardening. Our members have gardens large and small with roses a prominent plant in many but members have a wide range of gardening interests. Members meet monthly (except December/January) with guest speakers, table shows and demonstrations .We enjoy an annual bus trip to visit gardens and have various events throughout the year. Members receive monthly newsletters with news and views on growing roses and gardening in general, plus a copy of the New Zealand Rose Annual and New Zealand Rose Review annually. They also receive a copy of the Cultural Handbook filled with information on growing roses upon joining. A Rose and Flower Show is held in November each year where members can exhibit there rose blooms, cut flowers and floral arrangements across a range of classes.


Email address: feildingrosesocietynz@gmail.com