Te Reo Singalong

Te Rao Singalong offers a fun and interactive way to learn Maori or the language spoken by the indigenous population of New Zealand. The award-winning group offers a wealth of Maori language resources — from awesome books to engaging videos to insightful workshops. Their resources use a simple yet effective approach in teaching the language, helping their learners use Maori in everyday activities and conversations. Know more here: https://tereosingalong.co.nz.

Business Centres

P O Box 97826
New Zealand
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About Te Reo Singalong

Te Rao Singalong offers a fun and interactive way to learn Maori or the language spoken by the indigenous population of New Zealand. The award-winning group offers a wealth of Maori language resources — from awesome books to engaging videos to insightful workshops. Their resources use a simple yet effective approach in teaching the language, helping their learners use Maori in everyday activities and conversations. Know more here: tereosingalong.co.nz....