
TableHub is a digital table centrepiece and event engagement platform, bringing dynamic content (pre-recorded videos, images, motion graphics) to every seat at the table, bar leaners, catering stations - or really any flat surface - at your next event. Each unit is individually controllable and viewable from any angle.

Display sustainability within your event by eliminating printed material, provide extended exposure and value to sponsors and encourage connection and engagement of attendees.

Conference Services


About TableHub

TableHub is a digital table centrepiece and event engagement platform, bringing dynamic content (pre-recorded videos, images, motion graphics) to every seat at the table, bar leaners, catering stations - or really any flat surface - at your next event. Each unit is individually controllable and viewable from any angle.

Display sustainability within your event by eliminating printed material, provide extended exposure and value to sponsors and encourage connection and engagement of attendees.