Spenco Design and Craft

Spenco Crafts - repurposed and personalised giftware
Spenco Design & Craft is the artistic and creative release of Lisa.

Spenco provides personalised decals, custom made giftware and one of a kind pieces for any occasion.

You can find my items online on AllGoods.co.nz/store/spenco and Facebook.com/spenconz


Spenco Design and Craft

About Spenco Design and Craft

Spenco Crafts - repurposed and personalised giftware
Spenco Design & Craft is the artistic and creative release of Lisa.

Spenco provides personalised decals, custom made giftware and one of a kind pieces for any occasion.

You can find my items online on AllGoods.co.nz/store/spenco and Facebook.com/spenconz