Rocam Accountants Limited

Looking to grow your business? Want professional personalised Accounting services with someone there to support all your decision making. Come and see RoCam Accountants Limited , Managing Director Cameron McGill is a qualified Accountant with over 15 years experience in both Corporate and Chartered Accounting. Cameron also has a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and XERO Certified Advisor so there is nothing he doesnt know about business. RoCam Accountants Limited has two offices, one in Thames which specailises in Farming clients and Auckland which has a Business focus.
Contact Cameron on 0273274370 or email to get your business rolling.

Accountants - General

Rocam Accountants Limited
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About Rocam Accountants Limited

Looking to grow your business? Want professional personalised Accounting services with someone there to support all your decision making. Come and see RoCam Accountants Limited , Managing Director Cameron McGill is a qualified Accountant with over 15 years experience in both Corporate and Chartered Accounting. Cameron also has a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and XERO Certified Advisor so there is nothing he doesnt know about business. RoCam Accountants Limited has two offices, one in Thames which specailises in Farming clients and Auckland which has a Business focus.
Contact Cameron on 0273274370 or email to get your business rolling.