Reset Massage

Hi there Welcome to my neighbourly page and thank you for the opportunity to introduce Reset Massage. Reset Massage is located in a private, free standing studio that is nested into the lush native bush of Titirangi. The studio is warm, welcoming, and tranquil. I have a Diploma of Health Science & Therapeutic Massage and I am a Southern Cross Affiliated Provider. I offer a range of services: Relaxation, Therapeutic and Deep Tissue Massage. I am passionate about massage and body work, and absolutely love that every day I get to help my clients to Relax, Restore and Revive. I look forward to meeting you soon. Cat :-)

Massage - Health & Fitness

Reset Massage
144 Konini Road
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About Reset Massage

Hi there Welcome to my neighbourly page and thank you for the opportunity to introduce Reset Massage. Reset Massage is located in a private, free standing studio that is nested into the lush native bush of Titirangi. The studio is warm, welcoming, and tranquil. I have a Diploma of Health Science & Therapeutic Massage and I am a Southern Cross Affiliated Provider. I offer a range of services: Relaxation, Therapeutic and Deep Tissue Massage. I am passionate about massage and body work, and absolutely love that every day I get to help my clients to Relax, Restore and Revive. I look forward to meeting you soon. Cat :-)