Peakshape Pilates

Peakshape Pilates runs small studio equipment classes and private sessions from Crofton Downs.
Group Mat classes available Crofton Downs & Khandallah.
STOTT Pilates full certification beginner to advanced levels with over 15years experience. Additional training in sports specific exercises, pre/post pregnancy Pilates, post breast cancer, injury rehabilitation and gyrokinesis.


Peakshape Pilates
Clementine Way
Crofton Downs
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About Peakshape Pilates

Peakshape Pilates runs small studio equipment classes and private sessions from Crofton Downs.
Group Mat classes available Crofton Downs & Khandallah.
STOTT Pilates full certification beginner to advanced levels with over 15years experience. Additional training in sports specific exercises, pre/post pregnancy Pilates, post breast cancer, injury rehabilitation and gyrokinesis.