One Hundred Percent Electric Company Limited

We provide rides in Tesla Model X vehicles. Booking is via our website or by using our app (OHPEC) available for both Android and iOS. Experience the awesome features of the Model X including the acceleration, self driving and amazing falcon wing doors. Make an event of it, or just go from A to B in style, comfort and quiet safety. Pricing is similar to high end taxi services for our Premium service.

Driver Services

One Hundred Percent Electric Company Limited
Unit 1
34 Curacao Place
Half Moon Bay
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About One Hundred Percent Electric Company Limited

We provide rides in Tesla Model X vehicles. Booking is via our website or by using our app (OHPEC) available for both Android and iOS. Experience the awesome features of the Model X including the acceleration, self driving and amazing falcon wing doors. Make an event of it, or just go from A to B in style, comfort and quiet safety. Pricing is similar to high end taxi services for our Premium service.