My Wellness Niche

Start 2020 in the right way!✨
You need to know about this - even if it doesn’t interest you I’m sure you’ll know someone who it will!

This is making an impact worldwide, the only supplement proven in a clinical study to reduce oxidative stress by 40% in 30 days. Backed by 26 peer-reviewed studies from respected universities all over the world and through an independent study was shown to increase lifespan.

What is Oxidative Stress?
Imagine the cells in your body as big engines that "rust" and "age" through life's natural processes (eating, sleeping, breathing, exercising). Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of free radicals to antioxidants overwhelming the body's defense against their harmful effects and can lead to health concerns, disease, and contribute to the aging process.


My Wellness Niche
Essex Street
New Plymouth
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About My Wellness Niche

Start 2020 in the right way!✨
You need to know about this - even if it doesn’t interest you I’m sure you’ll know someone who it will!

This is making an impact worldwide, the only supplement proven in a clinical study to reduce oxidative stress by 40% in 30 days. Backed by 26 peer-reviewed studies from respected universities all over the world and through an independent study was shown to increase lifespan.

What is Oxidative Stress?
Imagine the cells in your body as big engines that "rust" and "age" through life's natural processes (eating, sleeping, breathing, exercising). Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of free radicals to antioxidants overwhelming the body's defense against their harmful effects and can lead to health concerns, disease, and contribute to the aging process.