Infant Massage Tawan

Learn in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere how to massage your baby. Experience how your baby benefits from communication through your nurturing touch.
A 5-week course covers the complete IAIM Infant Massage Program in 5 consecutive sessions (60-90 minutes).

Parents who take a class with IAIM learn much more than just the mechanics of a massage routine. The program involves many different styles of touch, movement, interaction and communication. Both research and anecdotal evidence from families have shown that there are many ways that babies and families may benefit from infant massage...
Bonding, communication, confidence, using all the senses, feeling loved and valued.
Circulatory and digestive systems, hormonal and immune systems, coordination and balance, learning and concentration, muscular development and growth, mind and body awareness.
Gas and colic, constipation and elimination, growing pains, muscular tension, teething discomfort, cramps.
Sleep patterns, flexibility and muscle tone, behavioural states, increased ability to calm themselves, reduction in stress hormones.

If you would like more information and details on how to attend a 5-week Infant Massage Course or a 3-4-week One-on-One Course please contact me.

Infant & Parent Support Information

Infant Massage Tawan

About Infant Massage Tawan

Learn in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere how to massage your baby. Experience how your baby benefits from communication through your nurturing touch.
A 5-week course covers the complete IAIM Infant Massage Program in 5 consecutive sessions (60-90 minutes).

Parents who take a class with IAIM learn much more than just the mechanics of a massage routine. The program involves many different styles of touch, movement, interaction and communication. Both research and anecdotal evidence from families have shown that there are many ways that babies and families may benefit from infant massage...
Bonding, communication, confidence, using all the senses, feeling loved and valued.
Circulatory and digestive systems, hormonal and immune systems, coordination and balance, learning and concentration, muscular development and growth, mind and body awareness.
Gas and colic, constipation and elimination, growing pains, muscular tension, teething discomfort, cramps.
Sleep patterns, flexibility and muscle tone, behavioural states, increased ability to calm themselves, reduction in stress hormones.

If you would like more information and details on how to attend a 5-week Infant Massage Course or a 3-4-week One-on-One Course please contact me.