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2883 days ago


Forget-Me-Not Life Stories (Central Waikato)

Thank you to all the helpers at Cambridge Baptist Church for organising the Live Well Live Safe Seniors Expo last Friday.  I had lots of interest in my Life Stories stand and had a really enjoyable day.

2892 days ago

Let me help you tell your tale.

Forget-Me-Not Life Stories (Central Waikato)

Miss Pinks "Paws for thought for today": What was your favourite childhood game?  She is sure there is a possum lurking in the branches above but tree climbing is not her thing.  Give me a call today if you would like help with your story.

2903 days ago

Life Story Talks

Forget-Me-Not Life Stories (Central Waikato)

I had such a delightful time delivering my personal history talk to the lovely and interesting residents at Selwyn St Andrews in Cambridge yesterday.  Call me or send an email if your club or group would enjoy a fun talk (no charge) highlighting what Personal History is, why it's important… View moreI had such a delightful time delivering my personal history talk to the lovely and interesting residents at Selwyn St Andrews in Cambridge yesterday.  Call me or send an email if your club or group would enjoy a fun talk (no charge) highlighting what Personal History is, why it's important and the benefits to the storyteller and their family.

2911 days ago

YES! It's time.

Forget-Me-Not Life Stories (Central Waikato)

Time to start your story.  Click on the link to check out my new video!
Miss Pinks is being unhelpful again today rolling around under the desk.
Miss Pink's paws for thought for today: "What was the naughtiest thing you did as a young child?"  Call me to start YOUR life story.

2918 days ago

When is the best time to start?

Forget-Me-Not Life Stories (Central Waikato)

Start your story today, tomorrow quickly becomes yesterday.
Miss Pinks has had her best friend Peaches to stay and they sure picked a strange spot for a nap!
Miss Pinks Paws for Thought For Today: "Who was your best childhood friend and what made them special?"
Give me a call today if you… View more
Start your story today, tomorrow quickly becomes yesterday.
Miss Pinks has had her best friend Peaches to stay and they sure picked a strange spot for a nap!
Miss Pinks Paws for Thought For Today: "Who was your best childhood friend and what made them special?"
Give me a call today if you would like help with your very own story.

2925 days ago

What's your story?

Forget-Me-Not Life Stories (Central Waikato)

I would like to introduce my office assistant, Miss Pinks.  She's not looking terribly busy! 

Miss Pinks' 2 minute Paws for Thought for Today:
"What is your happiest childhood memory?"

If you or someone you know would like their amazing life and memories saved page by … View more
I would like to introduce my office assistant, Miss Pinks.  She's not looking terribly busy! 

Miss Pinks' 2 minute Paws for Thought for Today:
"What is your happiest childhood memory?"

If you or someone you know would like their amazing life and memories saved page by page in a beautifully presented book then look no further.  Give me a call for a free, no obligation consultation.  I would love to hear your story.

"Yes!  It's time to tell the story of your life!"
