Fig Leaf Florist

The gardening florist on Enderley Avenue. Flowers picked fresh from the garden is a specialty. A lot of the flowers are grown from seed. Flowers are also sourced from local growers and the wholesaler. We offer bouquets, ball corsages, wedding flowers, funeral casket sprays, weekly corporate arrangements for business and more. Fig Leaf Florist is on Facebook and has an website to view all things floral.


Fig Leaf Florist
40 Enderley Avenue
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About Fig Leaf Florist

The gardening florist on Enderley Avenue. Flowers picked fresh from the garden is a specialty. A lot of the flowers are grown from seed. Flowers are also sourced from local growers and the wholesaler. We offer bouquets, ball corsages, wedding flowers, funeral casket sprays, weekly corporate arrangements for business and more. Fig Leaf Florist is on Facebook and has an website to view all things floral.