Erena Oliver: The Love Vortex

You’ve been in this relationship for several years or more, and you feel as if you can never do anything right.
You’re tiptoeing around because your partner goes off at the drop of a hat.
Perhaps you’re tired of making excuses for your partner and their behavior and know deep down that neither of you are being good role models for your kids.
It’s now affecting your work. You’ve lost your confidence and feel that you can’t get anything right at home or at work.
I know how you feel. I’ve been there. And I can help get the insights you need and the solutions you seek.


Erena Oliver: The Love Vortex

About Erena Oliver: The Love Vortex

You’ve been in this relationship for several years or more, and you feel as if you can never do anything right.
You’re tiptoeing around because your partner goes off at the drop of a hat.
Perhaps you’re tired of making excuses for your partner and their behavior and know deep down that neither of you are being good role models for your kids.
It’s now affecting your work. You’ve lost your confidence and feel that you can’t get anything right at home or at work.
I know how you feel. I’ve been there. And I can help get the insights you need and the solutions you seek.