Welcome to Eatlocal - your premier fruit and vege box delivery service based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Passionate about bringing you the freshest, top-grade produce directly to your door, you can say goodbye to subpar fruit and veges and hello to Tag 1 produce—the pinnacle of excellence in the fresh food world. You, our customers, are our top priority, and we strive to provide friendly, personalised, top-notch service every step of the way. Let us take care of all the legwork while you focus on savouring mouthwatering, long-lasting, premium fresh produce.

We take immense pride in sourcing and supporting local producers and artisans to bring you an ever-increasing selection of delectable artisan food products. By choosing Eatlocal, you not only enjoy exceptional quality, but also help contribute to the growth of other small Kiwi businesses - that's a win!

South Island urban $10
South Island rural $15



Welcome to Eatlocal - your premier fruit and vege box delivery service based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Passionate about bringing you the freshest, top-grade produce directly to your door, you can say goodbye to subpar fruit and veges and hello to Tag 1 produce—the pinnacle of excellence in the fresh food world. You, our customers, are our top priority, and we strive to provide friendly, personalised, top-notch service every step of the way. Let us take care of all the legwork while you focus on savouring mouthwatering, long-lasting, premium fresh produce.

We take immense pride in sourcing and supporting local producers and artisans to bring you an ever-increasing selection of delectable artisan food products. By choosing Eatlocal, you not only enjoy exceptional quality, but also help contribute to the growth of other small Kiwi businesses - that's a win!

South Island urban $10
South Island rural $15